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South African National List of Trees No. 503

Family: Flacourtiaceae

Common Name: Wild mulberry.

Name from: leaves resemble the White Mulberry, morus alba.

Habit: small to medium-sized tree.

Height: up to 10m.

Bark: grey-brown, smooth when young, becoming scaly or flaky with age.

Leaves: spirally arranged, simple,  almost circular, velvety when young, becoming shiny and dark green when mature.

Flower: very small, greenish, in long narrow bunches on male trees and short spikes on female trees. Nov. - Feb.

Fruit: small grey-brown woody capsules, splitting open into three segments. Feb. - Apr.

Wood: white sapwood and pale brown to dark red heartwood, close-grained, strong and heavy.

Uses: formerly used for wagon-building.

Acknowledgements:  information has primarily been sourced, and occasional phrases directly quoted, from:

von Breitenbach, Dr. F  1974,  Southern Cape Forests and Trees,  The Government Printer, Pretoria.                       

Coates Palgrave, Meg  2002,  Keith Coates Palgrave Trees of Southern Africa,  Struik, Cape Town.

Other information sources are listed on the References page.